Online Session - Guidelines, duration and tools

  • Type: Online session
    • complementary to the face 2 face, for trainees who follow the f2f training
    • for self-paced, unattended learning, for any trainee
  • Duration: 2 hours

During the week, the trainees will reflect and analyse the contents of the first face-to-face session and will make notes of the most relevant aspects related to content presented. The aim is for trainees to reflect on what they found most relevant from the previous session in order to refresh it during the next face-to-face session.

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Tool: Assignment in platform 1.1
    • What did you find most important in the previous session? Why? Which is the most important DHL dimension to you?

During the week, trainees will develop a health self-assessment: thinking about which aspects of their health they consider most relevant and which aspects they consider most problematic in managing their own health. The results of this activity will be discussed in the following face-to-face session. The aim will be to enable trainees to identify which health issues are most relevant to them. This will be useful for the trainers (as they will be able to emphasise certain issues during the rest of the training) and for the trainees themselves to make them realise that the training (the rest of the DPTAs) will be useful for them.

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Tool: Assignment in platform 1.2
    • Now I want you to think about which are the most important/problematic aspects for you when managing your own health. 

      This can range from general questions (how to get a health card and access the health system, how the health system works in general) to more specific questions (how to find out who your family doctor is, how to find out what the vaccination guidelines are for children, what to do if you sprain your ankle, how to access dental services, mental health, etc.)

       Which are the most relevant health issues for you?

Online Training Module 1