Face to Face Session 3.2 - Guidelines, duration and tools



  • Type: Face to face session (in person)
  • Duration: 
    • 1 session of 1 and a half hours
  • Content
    1. Excursion/practical A. visit, B. ALTERNATIVE visit
    2. Closing - debriefing (of day 2)

Action 3.2.1.A Excursion/practical visit.

The participants will visit, accompanied by their trainer, a health centre to receive a visit and a practical lesson on how the national health system works and, in particular, on the rights and obligations that participants have as immigrants and as general users of the system.

Preparation: a facility to visit (Health centre, hospital, pharmacy, etc.) will be picked and an appointment will be made in advance.


  • Prepare some activities before the excursion, such as preparation of questions & doubts. The work done in the previous DPTAs will allow the trainer sufficient knowledge to develop a series of questions regarding key issues for each country's group of training participants.
  • Prepare a field trip report sheet (for noting new information or vocabulary)
  • During the excursion, focus on providing students relevant information, so they don’t get overwhelmed. Highlight new vocabulary that might be useful for them.
  • Dedicate some time, during the following F2F session, to reflect on the main issues that emerged during the visit.


  • Duration: 1 hour and a half
  • Tool: Set of questions and doubts & Field trip report sheet

Action 3.2.1.B Excursion/practical visit ALTERNATIVE

It is proposed as an alternative, in the event that the socio-health situation (or the lack of availability of human resources) does not make it advisable to carry out the guided visit, to make it possible for a socio-health professional to come to the centre where the face-to-face sessions will take place. The objective of this session would be similar to the visit to the health centre: for the participants to obtain a more practical view of how these centres work and to be able to resolve any doubts they may have regarding the management of their health there.

The health professional attending the session would carry out a brief explanation of the specific functioning of the health centre where he/she works, focusing on the needs of migrants and then a round of questions would follow in the same way as in the excursion/guided visit.

  • Duration: 1 hour and a half
  • Tool: Set of questions and doubts & Field trip report sheet.

Action 3.2.2 Closing - debriefing

The trainer summarises the content of the session and tries to clarify possible doubts and questions.


This material is a script to be used by the trainer after the field trip to a health centre/hospital. It is a set of basic questions to provide a brief summary of the most important issues raised during the visit. The trainer is free to add further questions: 

  1. Is there anything you did not know before today's visit that you know now thanks to the visit?
  2.  What did you find most important in terms of managing your own health?
  3. How is a health centre organised?
  4.  What can you do/ask for in a health centre?