Face to Face Session 5.1 - Guidelines, duration and tools (DAY 1)



  • Type: Face to face session (in person or video conference)
  • Duration: 
    • 1 session of 1 hours and 40 minutes
  • Content
    1. Opening (day 1)
    2. Introducing Digital Health tools platforms and apps
    3. Conclusions
    4. Closing - debriefing


Handbook Module 5.pdf
Module 5 EN.pdf
Module 5 EN.pptx
Online Training Module 5


Action 5.1.1 Opening

Once the attendees have arrived at the classroom, the trainer will introduce the content of the session, including objectives, activities, and planning. The trainer - again - explains his/her role. The trainer introduces the attending peers and doctors and explains their roles. The aim of the introduction is

to create an atmosphere of joyful reunion and recognition of familiar faces

to get a glimpse on the motivation and mood of the participants

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Tool: Module 5 – 5.1.1 Opening (PPT)

Action 5.1.2 Introducing Digital Health tools platforms and apps

As the aim of this DPTA is to strengthen digital health literacy skills using the main sources and apps in the country/region where the participants are located, the DPTA will start with a presentation of these main internet sources/apps. The aim is for trainees to get to know and become familiar with the sources and apps (in case they have not already done so as part of other DPTAs 1-4 activities) in order to be able to use them in the following DPTA actions. The trainer will introduce different digital health tool platforms, including the various concepts and types, giving clear examples for each type of these concepts.

  • For doing so, the trainer will start with an overview of the most important apps and websites to use when navigating the healthcare system on the internet. The trainer will explain what these websites contain (why they are useful) and what is possible to do through them (including the main functionalities of the apps). Once this has been shown, the trainer starts a discussion (assembly) with all trainees, asking them what they think are the most useful websites/apps for them and why. The trainer takes the core ideas to the blackboard or asks a participant to do so.
  • After this activity, the trainer has an idea of the main knowledge, including prejudices, myths etc. that trainees have on digital health tools. To make this activity more dynamic, the trainer can prepare some questions to boost trainees’ participation.

An example of main portals in the case of Spain is presented:

1) National health system https://www.mscbs.gob.es/organizacion/sns/home.htm,

2) Regional health system. http://www.san.gva.es/web_estatica/index_va.html,

3) Non-public: https://www.webconsultas.com/ , https://www.efesalud.com/espana/ , https://www.mujerysalud.es/ , https://azsalud.com/ , https://psicologiaymente.com/.

  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Tools:
    • Module 5 5.1.2 Introducing Digital Health tools platforms and apps (PPT)
      • Template for the identification of benefits/challenges of digital health tools

Break 10 minutes.

Action 5.1.3 Conclusions

After the previous steps are done, the trainer proposes the trainees to form groups (3 groups of 5 persons or 5 groups of 3 persons), and asks them:

  • Which are the main benefits/problems that digital health platforms and apps can have for you, considering your specific situation?
  • Do you think that digital health platforms and apps can be interesting for you to manage your own health?

Each group works on these questions and takes common conclusions, one representative of each group explains to the rest of the trainees the main conclusions they have achieved. Bear in mind that you will have different profiles, try to give examples understandable for all types of profiles.

  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Tool: Module 5 – 5.1.3 Conclusions(PPT)

Include time for questions and discussion.

Action 5.1.4 Closing - debriefing

The trainer asks trainees for feedback, tries to solve possible doubts and questions. The trainer explains how the e-Training Platform works (user, password, structure, tools, forum, webinars, etc.).

The trainer explains to the trainees how the online training sessions are going to run and what is expected from them and explains in a specific way the activities that will be done in the next online training session. The trainer summons the students for the next F2F training session.

  • Duration: 10 minutes.
  • Tool: Module 5 5.1.4 Closing debriefing (PPT)

Include time for questions and interaction.