Face to Face Session 5.4 - Guidelines, duration and tools (DAY 4)



  • Type: Face to face session (in person or video conference)
  • Duration: 
    • 1 session of 1 hours and 40 minutes
  • Content
    1. Opening (day 4)
    2. Practical exercises. Part 1 and Part 2.
    3. Closing - debriefing

Action 5.4.1 Opening

Once the attendees have arrived at the classroom, the trainer will introduce the objectives of the session, including objectives, activities, and planning.

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Tool: Module 5 – 5.4.1 Opening (PPT)

Action 5.4.2 Practical exercises. Part 1.

The following actions aim to present activities for participants to put into practice the knowledge they have developed during the first part of DPTA_5 and during DPTA_4. Practical activities are proposed to test most of the DHL skills (skills: 6: adding self-generated content; 7: protecting privacy, will be the subject of DPTA_6) that participants will have to solve in groups or individually. The objective, when carrying out each activity, is to check that participants have acquired the DHL skills correctly. In addition, the overall health literacy of the participants will be checked and whether it has increased as a result of their participation in previous DPTAs.

The methodology of the activity will be the resolution of practical cases in pairs. The statements will be proposed to the group of 2 (either on paper or through the online tool). Trainees will use electronic devices to solve the cases and then present them to the rest of the group. The trainer can adopt different roles: either assisting in the achievement of the correct result or waiting for the trainees to achieve the result they believe to be correct and then confirming or correcting that result.

  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Tool: electronic devices, cards, Module 5 – 5.4.2 Practical Exercises, Activities 1 - 4 (PPT)


  • Activity 1 – I want to find information on the internet regarding whether or not it is advisable to get a flu vaccination, given the pandemic situation, how would I search for information?
    • DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.
  • Activity 2 – I want to become a blood donor, where can I find the information? What are the requirements to donate blood? Where can I go to donate blood?
    • DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.
  • Activity 3 – How do I find a hospital for an emergency? If something happens to me while I am at home, which hospital I should go to?
    • DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.
  • Activity 4 – How do I get an appointment with my doctor?
    • DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.

Break: 15 minutes

Action 5.4.3 Practical exercises. Part 2. Follow-up of the previous exercise

  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Tool: electronic devices, cards, Module 5 – 5.4.3 Practical Exercises, Activities: Activities 5 - 8 (PPT)


  • Activity 5 – I think I have a sprain, who should look at it, how do I make an appointment? - DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.
  • Activity 6 – I have a toothache; how do I access public dental services? - DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.
  • Activity 7 – How do I ask for an appointment with the psychiatrist? - DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.
  • Activity 8 – How do I know pharmacies near me? What can I get in a pharmacy? - DHL skills to assess: 1- Operational Skills; 2 - Navigation skills; 3 - Information searching; 4- Evaluating reliability; 5 - Determining relevance.

Action 5.4.4 Closing - debriefing

The trainer summarises the content of the session and tries to clarify possible doubts and questions. The trainer summons trainees for the next F2F training session. The trainer will preview some of the content to be covered in DPTA_6.

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Tool: Module 5 – 5.4.1 Closing – debriefing (PPT)