Online sessions for trainees (Trainees_EN)


Module 4 - Turning digitally literate


✔ To improve operational skills for being digital active

Duration:  1- 2 hours


✔ Knowledge about the differences between Computer, Smartphone and Tablet and the different use of it

✔ Ability to navigate and search information on the internet

✔ Knowledge about data protection and security on the internet

✔ Knowledge about communication channels on the internet

Activity: Study the online module

Online Module 4

Activity: Search strings

Repeat the activity "Search strings" carried out in the classroom.

Create a search string: Each participant thinks about a topic he/she wants to know more about and creates a search string to find the information he/she is interested in. 

Activity: Write and send a formal e-mail

E-Mail: Each participant writes an email to the trainer, including the created search-string and the main information he/she has found doing the research.