Online sessions for trainees (Trainees_EN)


Module 2 - Main health issues when landing in a new country


✔ To understand the various risks to migrant health during all the stages of the migrant journey.

✔ To understand the cultural differences influencing health narratives between the country of origin and the host country

✔ To use online tools that can facilitate understanding of health issues and country specific health related circumstances (how health is perceived and treated in host countries compared to country or origin)

          ✔ Learn relevant to health country specific terminology and explore useful online tools

          ✔ To understand the main health protective behaviours and learn how to find reliable relevant online sources.

          ✔ Develop a health checklist in their own language

Duration:  1 hour


✔ Understanding differences about health and health treatment in the country of origin and the country of arrival

✔ Understanding how culture can affect health narratives

✔ Gaining knowledge on specific physical and mental health risks migrant populations are at risk of during the migrant journey, learn how to use relevant online sources

✔ Gaining knowledge about specific prevention and health promotion strategies and use relevant online tools

✔ Gaining awareness about Digital Health Literacy’s relevance for migrants’ health


Activity: Have a look, if needed, the online module

Online Module 2


Activity: Do the following home assignments

  • 2.1 Create your own Pocket Guide with health terms
Pocket Guide with health terms (pdf)
Pocket Guide with health terms (word)